Frontend Fundamentals
- Duration
- 8 - 12 weeks
- Level
- - Beginner
- Objective
- - Equip students with fundamental skills in frontend web development, enabling them to build responsive and interactive websites.
- - Prepare students for entry-level frontend development roles
- Curriculum:
- 1. Introduction to Web Development and HTML
- - Overview of web development
- - HTML basics (structure, tags, attributes)
- - Advanced HTML topics (forms, tables, semantic HTML)
- - Building simple web pages
- - Best practices and accessibility
- 2. CSS Fundamentals
- - CSS basics (selectors, properties, values)
- - CSS box model, layout and positioning (flexbox, grid, floats)
- - CSS styling web pages and effects (transitions, animations, media queries)
- - Introduction to CSS preprocessors (Sass, Less)
- 3. JavaScript Basics and DOM Manipulation
- - JavaScript fundamentals (variables, data types, functions, object and arrays)
- - DOM manipulation (selectors, events, dynamic content)
- - Introduction to JavaScript libraries (jQuery)
- - Basic JavaScript projects (to-do list, weather app)
- 4. Frontend Frameworks and Tools
- - Introduction to popular frontend frameworks (React, Angular, Vue)
- - Building small projects with a chosen framework
- - Webpack and module bundling
- - Introduction to state management libraries (Redux, Vuex)
- - Component-based architecture and state management
- 5. Advanced Topics and Best Practices
- - Responsive web design and mobile-first development
- - Web Accessibility and web standards
- - Performance optimization and caching
- - Introduction to web security and authentication
- 6. Final Project and Career Development
- - Building a guided comprehensive frontend project using a chosen framework
- - Code reviews and feedback
- - Deployment strategies (GitHub Pages, Netlify, Vercel)
- - Best practices for coding, debugging, and testing
- - Career development and job preparation
- - Introduction to freelance platforms and personal branding

IT Solutions & Academy